6 Reasons why Mums should be in the photos...

I remember looking at our photos after my son was born and noticing that there were so many photos of my husband and him together and so very few photos of my son and I together. There was a definite theme and it was, that I was NOT getting in front of the camera. I felt terrible. I wanted memories with my new baby and yet I was missing out. I knew I had to make a change.


I realised that it wasn’t just that I wanted the memories with my new baby boy, but there were so many more reasons that I, and Mummas just like me, needed to start getting in front of the camera with their children.


So, here are 6 very important reasons that why I feel Mummas need to be in the photo:



1.     YOU

In years to come when your children have grown up and left home you will be able to look back at your photos and remember the happy times you had together. And you will see that you were there. Not because you took the photo, but because you were IN the photo!



Memories fade over time and photographs are the best way to preserve your memories and keep the moments that you share with your children alive. Do you have memories of your childhood? Which ones are the strongest? The ones that you have photos of, or the ones that you don’t have photos of?



3.    THE FUN

Your kids will remember that you were there having fun with them at the Zoo, Skatepark, playground, beach or wherever your family spends their time, because there are photos of you and them, having fun together there.



Now, if you didn’t jump in the photo for you, then you need to get in there for your kids. We all know how much our kids love looking at photos of themselves. Apart from taking Selfies, it is the number one reason your phones are stolen away from us, well mine is anyway, lol. They love seeing what they looked like when they were babies, when they lost their first tooth, even when you took them for their first haircut. It’s a time that they don’t remember, but a time that they can share with you because you have those photos.




As mums, we always feel like we need to lose another 5, 10, 15kgs. We often dislike the way we look in photos. Unfortunately, it is trained in to our brains in so many different ways and it is a very hard thing to break.

I want to plead with you….. Don’t put it off! If you are always waiting to lose that weight, you will miss so many moments, so many precious memories with your children and so much precious time that you will never be able to get back. Your kids don’t care what you weigh, they don’t care what size you are, they don’t care if you need your hair coloured or cut or washed before a photo. They just love you because you are their mum.

Don’t put it off.



You don’t have to pose like a super model for your photo. Just relax and be yourself. You are an awesome Mumma and your kiddos love you. So just show up in the photo and be YOU.


If you would have been standing behind the camera for too long and it’s time to get out in front with your kiddos, then why not make a start with Three Hearts Photography’s August Mummy Photo Challenge?!!

For the whole month of August, we will be supporting and encouraging Mummas to take as many photos as they can with their kiddos, through our Private Facebook community.

Now is the time to face your fear or just make the time to show your kids that you were there too, by taking one, two, ten, or maybe even the whole 31 photos, it’s up to you.

Join us by clicking on the button bellow. I can’t wait to see you there!