Just one more day...

As you hang up the phone you can feel yourself falling, your world crumbling around you. Your mum has passed away.

You’re so numb you can’t even cry. This can’t be real.

You fumble for your phone and start searching through photos, trying to find something, ANYTHING, that shows the love you feel for your beautiful mum.

You remember taking a photo many years ago, but was that on this phone, your last phone? How many phones have you had since you took that photo? Did you save the photo to your new phone to your computer?

You become anxious that you won’t be able to find this photo of you and your mum….the very last photo you took of you and her together.

You always wanted to get a special photo taken with your mum and your family, you kept meaning to get it done.

As you look through your phone, you realise the photo is gone………

Tears start to fall down your cheeks and you realise that there is no going back. The only photos you have of your mum are the ones in that old album your mum gave you when you left home. They look brown and faded and you were both so young.

You wish you could go back.

Just one more day with her, that’s all you need.

Just one more moment with her, that’s all you want to capture.

Just one more memory. That’s all you want to make.

That’s all………