6 Ways to get your Mumma Sparkle Back - Three Hearts Photography Family Photos

Mums are Super Heroes!

Family photos Three Hearts Photography

Have you heard that? Have you seen that Meme? Do you feel like a Super Hero? I think Mummas are amazing and awesome and YES, super human, but do I feel that way?

I know I don’t most of the time, maybe never. Mums are notorious for looking after everyone else EXCEPT themselves. Because there is never any time left right? By the time you look after your kids and run around at all the activities for them and then clean up after them and your husband and the dog and the cat, there is literally not even a minute to remember to wash your hair, let alone think about how awesome you are.

But you are awesome! And as much as we look after everyone else, we must also look after ourselves!

Family photos Three Hearts Photography

Earlier this year, I went on my first EVER Girl’s Weekend Away, since having kids, (maybe ever???), and it was bloody amazing! I cannot tell you haw good it was for my soul and how good I felt when I was there and when I returned.

I think I was floating on clouds!

I got to have adult conversation ALL WEEKEND! I got to eat out at a Restaurant and not have to worry about entertaining the kids. I got to stay up late and sleep in a bed all by myself without any interruptions, (aka snoring or kids asking to go to the toilet), I just got to be human!

And it made me realise just how much I needed it and just how much I was missing by NOT having this time away from my kids.

There is a saying….

Family Photos Mumma Sparkle Three Hearts Photography

If we are always giving of ourselves then one day very soon, we will have nothing left to give.


How do we get out Mumma Sparkle Back?????

Here are 6 simple ways to get your Mumma Sparkle Back

  • A Massage - A relaxing, just for fun not for medical reasons, Massage!

  • Take the morning off! Make sure it’s a day when the kids are NOT home so you can have some time for yourself! Don’t do any house work, cleaning, washing, errands Just do something for YOU! Like reading a book, watching Netflix, uninterrupted, whatever brings a smile to your face.

  • Go for a walk. Look up a walk at Victoria Walks and go somewhere you have never been before. Put your phone away. Look around and listen, take in all the beauty of nature around you.

  • Visit the Hairdresser and get your Hair cut AND coloured. Do something different and fresh. Change your look or just get your hair done to make yourself feel better.

  • Dance to your favourite Music. Grab your favourite Playlist, or CD if you still have them lol, and turn it up loud and start dancing like no-one is watching!

  • Go on a Girls Weekend Away. Now I left this one till last, because it is a big one and probably the hardest one for most Mummas to do, but OMG, how good will you feel after you do it? It will be absolutely AH-MAZING! And it doesn’t even have to be too far away. I can highly recommend Phillip Island and also Malmsbury. Both within an hour or two from Melbourne and both amazing locations to chill and relax and see some of the local culture.

Whatever you choose to do, just make sure you do something for YOU Mumma!

Because you deserve it and you need it. And whether you believe it or not, I CAN tell you, you will be a better Mumma for taking the time away from your family to recharge your own batteries and your soul!


When you are thinking about getting back your Mumma Sparkle, remember that you have a basic human right to some simple things in life, so make sure that your SPARKLE tasks are something that will bring a smile to your face and not just a shower on your own or 5 minutes peace and quiet. It’s time to shine Mummas!