6 Things you should ask your Photographer before booking your Family Portraits

When you are looking for a Photographer to take Portraits of your Family, then there are Questions that you want to ask and find answers to, before you make the decision about which Photographer is right for you.

#1. WHERE?

Find out where your photographer is located. Are they in a location that you feel comfortable travelling to?


Look at the styles of photography that they offer. Does the photographer offer Studio Sessions? Locations Sessions? Sessions at Home? Think about the style of Family Portraits that you want to display in your home and what your family will feel most comfortable in.

In Studio                                                On Location                                               At home

In Studio On Location At home


How many people can you include in your Portrait Session? You may want to include your Extended Family in your Portrait Session, so make sure you ask if you can add in extra people and whether there is an additional charge to do this.

Extended Family Portrait Sessions at Three Hearts Photography


What Portrait and Wall Art Collections does your Photographer Offer? Will these suit your Family and your home? Do these Collections come with Digital Copies of your Portraits?

Wall Art Collections Display your Portraits at home-Three-Hearts-Photography


While this is a whole other blog on it’s own, lol, I understand that it is a concern for many parents and often what holds them back from having family portraits, especially when their children are younger. Ask your photographer how they work with active children and even ask them what would be the best type of session for your family based on the needs of your family. This is a BIG part of planning the right style of session for you.

Three Hearts Photography Getting kids to smile


As we live in the times of Covid-19, this is one question that we need to ask now. Although not directly photography related, it is related to the safety of your family and to the safety of the photographer, their business and their family. So, ask the question. Every small business is required to have a Covid Safe Plan in place and it is important that they are following it for each and every Photography Session.

Three Hearts Photography has a Covid Safe Plan


You may have a list of your own questions that you want to ask your photographer before you book them in. Try checking out their Website for some FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions. You might find the answer to many of your questions there before you even have to pick up the phone.

And while we are talking about the phone, the best way to get a feel for your photographer is to give them a call. A chat with someone can tell you so much more than a Website can. I am sure that you will find your connection will be stronger, the minute you start talking.


Your Portrait Experience

Your Portrait Experience is about YOU and YOUR Family!

When you choose Three Hearts Photography for your Portraits, whether it be for a Family Session, Newborn, Maternity, Cake Smash, Children's Creative Session, we ensure that your Memories are captured in a way that represents you and your Family. The way you always want to remember them.

We understand that you want to remember the little moments. The way they smiled and laughed. The way they looked up and adored you. The way they played together happily without a care in the world. You want to hear their voice, the sound of their laughter as they anticipate your tickle and playfulness. When you look at your Portraits on the wall, you are drawn back to that time all over again, remembering every happy moment with the ones you love the most.