7 tips for making your very own book week costume!

Book Week is on it’s way and every parent is starting the mad dash to try and find a costume for their children to wear, without spending a fortune.


It’s an exciting time for students to celebrate their favourite stories and  characters. Whether you've got an avid reader or just looking for a creative way to participate, choosing the right costume can make the experience even more enjoyable.


So, here are some great tips to help you create your own costume this book week.


7 Tips for creating your own costume:


  1. Choose a character that matches your crafting abilities: If you're considering making your own costume, choose a character that matches your crafting skills. Complex costumes might require sewing, painting, or other intricate techniques, so be realistic about what you can achieve.

book week dream art images by three hearts photography

2. Use references, but don’t stress: Collect reference images of your chosen character to help you to create an accurate replica, however, don’t make it stressful by following every detail. Your kids will love whatever you create for them.


3. Plan Your Design: Sketch out the items you will need and how it will come together so you can easily gather all your materials and have a clear idea of how you will create your costume.


4. Use Recyclables and Thrift Finds: Get creative with materials by repurposing items you already have or finding affordable materials at thrift stores. This not only saves money but also adds a unique touch to your costume.

5. Start Early: Creating a costume from scratch takes time, so start well in advance. This gives you ample opportunity to troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the crafting process.


6. Ask for Help: Don't hesitate to ask for assistance from friends or family who might have crafting skills. Collaborative efforts can lead to a more polished and impressive final result.


7. Trial and Error: Be patient with yourself and embrace the trial-and-error process. Not everything will go perfectly on the first attempt, but each mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve.

Book Week offers a chance to express your creativity and celebrate stories and reading in a fun and engaging way. Whether you opt to buy a costume or create one yourself, the key is to enjoy the process and embrace the character you've chosen. Remember, the most important thing is participating and having fun while celebrating the world of books and imagination.


Have Fun!